Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Don't make out with this chick, you'll get warts.

The shadow looks a bit wonky but okay. Here's "frog tongue" Hey what's wrong with your voice? You sound like you have a frog in your throat!

/ba dum tshhhh/

I learned how annoying drop shadows can be while during this. At one point, the shadow wouldn't show up at all. But it was fun to do. :D

Angry Pancake

This is what happens when you use Mrs. Butterworth on your pancakes. They turn into..these demonic things.
Vimeo finally stopped being a butt face so I could actually do this project. It was fun but rife with techincal difficulties. I learned how to liquefy and erase correctly because of this satanic pancake. :D Most difficult part about this besides Vimeo's stupidity was getting the liquefy to work just right.